Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dream a Little Dream, part Dos
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Where, oh where has my little June gone?
When I first started this blog, I was having what I guess I would call a bad marriage moment. We all have them, don't you go telling me you don't, but everyone does. If you think you don't you're lying to yourself. Everyone has problems. It is how we choose to react to those problems that defines our character.
In the fall, my husband travels. A lot! And it's hard, you know. And while he's gone, I get lonely, then sad, then totally and completely PISSED OFF!
Well, he's been home now for a month. And I haven't been blogging because I have been basking in wedded bliss. Now, I'm totally madly in love with my husband, and of course with Santa's elves peeking in the windows at any given moment, my children are perfect little angels, and I'm totally in love with them!
For now.
My husband leaves again next Tuesday. I know, right before Christmas! Well, of course it's college football bowl game time, so he HAS to actually GO to the games. I even offered to throw a giant man party, and have all of his stinky buddies over to watch the games, but NO. He has to GO to the games. So, we'll see how I feel about him next week.
And of course, by next Friday afternoon, after the munchkins score all of their loot, they'll turn back into rotten, good for nothing, spoiled brats. So, we'll see how I feel about them after that.
But for now, I'm blissfully happy, enjoying the holidays, and I just wanted to write a token, happy, post, to let you know I'm still alive.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
THE Talk.
Well, I had to have it with my 8 year old the other day. I've been thinking she's about the right age for a while now, but have never found the "right time."
Then, the other day, being the super awesome parent that I am, I was sitting in the family room watching TV. And she came in to watch with me. I really should've turned it off, but I didn't. You forget how open and spongy their little minds are.
And you know, there are a lot of sitcoms out there, that really do teeter on the line of being porn. Seriously. I totally love them!
But not for my kids.
So, I was watching "Two and a Half Men" which is like the epitome of sexual sitcoms on television today, and of course Charlie was talking to his girlfriend of the hour about having sex. And I forgot my sweet, innocent baby was sitting next to me.
Suddenly, she blurts out, "Mommy, do you and Daddy have sex?"
Well, if they ain't the perfect opportunity to have "the talk" and I don't take it, then shoot me!
So, I turned off the TV, turned to her, and asked, "Honey, do you know what Sex means?"
Turning red, she looked down and shook her head, slowly.
"Do you want me to tell you?" I asked.
"I guess," she replied, with an embarrassed grin.
Then, I proceeded to describe to her about body parts, and making babies. Of course, I had to throw in that it's a special thing that only happens between married people, a necessary disclaimer.
Her eyes widened in horror. I asked if she had any questions, and she sighed and said, "I don't want to talk about this anymore."
I'm afraid I've scarred her for life.
So, tell me, have you had to give the talk to your kids yet? How did it go?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Post Secret
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Excuses, excuses
I've been busy with sick babies, birthdays, making really shoddy High School Musical cakes for my 8 year old because I'm too proud to actual purchase one, and wiping snot and vomit from all over my children and home.
I'll be back to normal, hopefully, next week.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I've been going around my neighborhood bragging to everyone about how great everyone at my house has been feeling. No one in my family gets sick! We are SUPER HUMAN!
Well, my four-year-old, Suzie, has been jealous of all of her friends.
She whines to me, "Mommy, why did all my friends get the swine flu and I didn't? It's not faaiir!"
And of course, I replied, "We can't just get you everything you want, just because your friends have it too."
But, being the sensitive, push-over parent that I am, after begging, and crying, I let her go out and play with sick kids.
Lo, and behold, this morning, Suzie woke up and barfed her brains out, coughed up a lung, and had a seizure because of her high grade fever.
Ward and I are so proud of her. This is a major accomplishment in her life, and I'm proud to be a witness, and hold her hair while she vomits out her hopes and dreams. All in the name of peer pressure.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Dream a Little Dream....
in my dream Jason was this famous comic actor in movies and stuff (far-fetched, I know), and I was a beautiful, stunning, and skinny regular person, and he just fell head over hills in love with me. Oh, and the sex was really hot!
Seriously, brain? Jason Bateman? That's all you could come up with? There are hundreds of really, hot famous guys out there to fantasize about and my sub-conscious settles on Jason Bateman? What. The. Crap.
Ok, ok, he's kinda cute. I could do worse.
I know, I know I'm a married woman. I shouldn't be having dreams about affairs with 80's child stars, I know.
Just to set the record straight this isn't a husband-bashing blog. It may have seemed that way in my last post.
I love my husband. Really, honestly, I do. He is a very, very hard working, good man, who happens to be believe in polygamy.
What? No it's no like that.
The man is married to his job. I keep joking that if he keeps working as late as he does, he's going to have to have a futon put in his office to sleep on.
So, sometimes, my lonely subconscious needs a little TLC. Okay?
I also had a dream last night that I became an uber famous writer, just from writing my snarky little ideas on my blog. That would be sooo cool!
I could be like The Pioneer Woman, or Dooce, or Perez Hilton.
Ugh. How do people like that get so famous? I'm too poor to hire a P.R. department.
Maybe my one reader could shout out to the masses about how cool I am?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Where to Begin?
Today has been okay. I got some housework accomplished. I hate housework. More than cats hate dogs. Especially...well...all of it. I avoid it like the plague. And I am married to Ward Cleaver. And believe me, my name ain't June. I grew up in a home where cleanliness was optional. Oh, we bathed, and took care of basic hygienic needs, but it was no big deal, if dirty clothes landed on my bedroom floor for months on end. Basically, I grew up believing that there are more important things in life than cleaning all day.
My husband grew up pretty much the opposite. And he expects me to keep an orderly, well-oiled machine....uh...home.
Have you seen that email going around? The one that shows a Good Housekeeping from 1950? The one that says if you want to keep your husband happy, put on lipstick, having the house sparkling, keep the children quiet, and have the fire going and a hot dinner on the stove when he comes home from a hard day's work at the office?
Yeah, that's my husband. He is the type of man to come home from work, and ask me what I do all day.
Forget that I've been slaving all day, driving kids this way and that, cleaning and pressing his shirts, mopping floors, cooking dinner.
Gag me.
I'll let you in on a little secret. I wait until an hour before he's supposed to get home and make a mad dash to make it look like I've been working hard all day. He can't tell the difference. What's the big deal if I sit down on the couch, watch Oprah and eat bon-bons for a little while every day?
You know, one day, when all of my kids are in school all day, I might go out and and get me one of them fancy job things. Like maybe I could be a secretary, or a department store clerk, or an Avon lady! What a dream!
For the record, I hate Oprah. And bon-bons. And my dream job? Well, it'll never happen to who cares?
regular, ordinary, plain old not June