Saturday, November 7, 2009

Excuses, excuses

Pardon my absence.

I've been busy with sick babies, birthdays, making really shoddy High School Musical cakes for my 8 year old because I'm too proud to actual purchase one, and wiping snot and vomit from all over my children and home.

I'll be back to normal, hopefully, next week.


  1. I hate store bought cakes, plus they are expensive. However, my decorating skills suck big time and most of my 2 layer cakes tilt, but I have always told my daughter that they are made with LOVE and that is better than anything.

    It worked. She loves my crappy looking cakes. The downside is that when she goes to B-day parties she tells the kids that their cakes aren't made with love... uh-oh.

  2. I found your blog on mom bloggers. Your posts are very entertaining and I am now a follower!

  3. Following from the MBC! You can follow me here:

    Btw you are hilarious!
